Coast Mountain Bus Collective Agreement

The Coast Mountain Bus Company recently reached a new collective agreement with its employees, which will be in effect until 2024. The agreement provides important benefits for both the workers and the company, and demonstrates the value of negotiating fair terms for employees.

Under the new agreement, Coast Mountain Bus employees will see a 2.75% wage increase each year until 2024. This is a significant increase from the previous agreement, which provided for only 2% annual wage increases. In addition to higher pay, employees will also receive improved benefits, including enhanced vision care and an additional day of vacation per year.

The agreement also addresses important issues related to job security and safety. The company has agreed to maintain current staffing levels, ensuring that employees can continue to work without fear of layoffs. The agreement also includes new safety provisions, such as the installation of shields on buses to protect drivers from assault.

The new collective agreement is a positive development for both the workers and the company. Employees will benefit from higher pay, improved benefits, and greater job security, while the company will benefit from a more motivated and productive workforce. This is an excellent example of the benefits of negotiating fair terms for all parties involved.

In conclusion, the new Coast Mountain Bus collective agreement is a notable achievement for all involved. It is a testament to the importance of fair negotiations and demonstrates how all parties can benefit from equitable terms. As the agreement goes into effect, employees can feel secure in their jobs and the company can look forward to continued success.